When a planning application is refused?


When a planning application is refused, several outcomes and options may follow: 

1. Appeal: The applicant can appeal the decision to a higher authority, such as a planning inspectorate or a planning appeals board, depending on the jurisdiction. The appeal process typically involves submitting additional information or arguments to support the application. 

2. Re-submission: The applicant can choose to address the reasons for refusal and re-submit the application with modifications that address the concerns raised by the planning authority. 

3. Negotiation: The applicant can negotiate with the planning authority to find a compromise that satisfies both parties. This might involve making changes to the proposal to address the reasons for refusal. 

4. Legal challenge: In some cases, the applicant may choose to challenge the decision through legal means, such as judicial review, if they believe the decision was made unlawfully or unfairly. 

5. Abandonment or reconsideration: Depending on the circumstances, the applicant may decide to abandon the project altogether or reconsider their options, such as pursuing alternative development plans. 

Ultimately, the specific course of action will depend on various factors, including the reasons for refusal, the applicant’s resources and priorities, and the likelihood of success with any particular approach 

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