Feasibility Study

Feasibility-habito designs


A feasibility study serves as an additional service aimed at comprehending the challenges and opportunities inherent in a particular situation. It aids in delineating various change options and estimating their associated costs, catering to those uncertain about their requirements or seeking validation of existing assumptions.

1. Evaluate Factors

Whether you already own a site or are considering purchasing one, it’s crucial to carefully consider various factors such as local constraints, visual impact, character, mixed land use, and other relevant aspects during the design process.

When contemplating a new building, development, renovation, or expansion, understanding the current situation becomes imperative. Through a feasibility study, we can evaluate diverse factors based on your objectives and needs.

Feasibility sketches, based on extensive knowledge of planning policies and site-specific considerations, can provide valuable insights into the potential design options for the land. These sketches can help visualise different development scenarios, assess their feasibility, and identify the most viable and cost-effective approach.

2. New Building or Development

Whether you already own a site or are considering purchasing one, it’s crucial to carefully consider various factors such as local constraints, visual impact, character, mixed land use, and other relevant aspects during the design process.

One key aspect of optimising land for development is understanding and adhering to relevant planning policies at both the local and national levels. These policies outline guidelines and regulations that govern land use, development density, building heights, environmental considerations, and more. By aligning your development plans with these policies, you can increase the likelihood of obtaining necessary approvals and permits for your project.

3. Your Current Space

Assessment of your present space utilisation is crucial. we can conduct surveys to discern usage patterns and identify existing challenges. The culmination of the study typically includes a proposal and a preliminary cost estimate for potential work.

4. Renovating vs. Building

Deciding between renovating and constructing anew is another aspect where a feasibility study proves invaluable. By scrutinising your facility, we can explore renovation or expansion possibilities. For instance, they might evaluate the feasibility of vertical or horizontal expansion, aiding in determining the most efficient and cost-effective approach.